Comunidad Americana's website
The vecinal community of my neighbourhood had a generic pre-set website so I proposed this website to take it's place. The information is simple but I wanted to create this new way to animate a website. Did it all from ground up without basing myself on any presets.
Link: comunidadamericana.com

Vector Calculator
When I started learning about vector addition I realized I could make a webapp to automate the process even with multiple of them. So I made this website for me and my friends. The teacher was surprised by it and liked it.

GN Forums
One friday coming out of school me and a friend had the idea to create an
anonymous forum for fun, even though I still didn't knew anything about requests and the back end, I
the bullet. After 2 sleepless nights I came out with this. All made from scratch and manually.
Of course it was alive for 2 days then everyone forgot about it and I moved on.
Link: gabocota.net/forum

Classroom schedule website
When I entered highschool the world was in the middle of the pandemic and all my classes were online. The page they provided for us to find the zoom links and passwords was a canva presentation where you had to copy paste everything. I didn't think of a better option but to make one myself. When the pandemic ended I added some features so it could know what class you where on and tell you how long that class was going to last. Over the years I upgraded it even more because me and most of my classmates had it pinned in our browsers.
Link: gabocota.net/horario

Minecraft server control panel
I've run a minecraft server for years now and my problem always was that I couldn't have anyone else have proper admin controls because I always ran it locally. For that reason I created this. I used the discord login system for authentication and security and made a private key sistem to know what changes or actions were made by who and when. I also gave them full control over the filesystem of the minecraft server only and a live console feature. For this project I learned how to use cookies and how to upload and download files from my website.

DJ Bot
Like almost all people with a discord server I like listening to music with my
friends on vc. One day, our trusty public bot that did that for us announced that it would stop the
service, so instead of looking for a new one, I said "How hard could it be?".
Turns out not that
hard, and so then I started adding features until it became better than the old one we used. It can:
Lookup lyrics, read a spotify playlist or album and one by one look up that song on youtube with no
problems. And also, of course, play music.

My friend and I like creating a lot. Since we were young we have been lovers of visual and musical art. We have made little projects here and there but never something like this. This is an outlet for us to be able to create without worrying where to post it or the reason why. We have a lot more plans with this, this is only the begining.

After winning second place in ReCrea 2023 I pulled together a new team and a new idea to start
working right away. We worked over a year in this project and being the leader and responsible of
programming and hardware I learned a lot about a lot of things like networking, long range wireless
networks, Artificial Intelligence integration with projects, etc.
In the end, sadly, we didn't
get a possition in the championship but we did get interviews for potential clients and companies
that were very interested by our project.

When I got a second computer that I could use as a server I made a system to be able to control that computer through the main server. For this I learned Rust and made the backend in nodejs.

bit hunter
When I was making a website for surveys I realized that it was way to easy to spam my backends so I made a system to detect and block bots. First I thougth of the normal captcha methods but they were too boring. I remembered the thing where ChatGPT doesn't know how many "r"s are in the word strawberry. So I used that vulnerability to make my filter.

When I started getting more and more little background services created by me like bots and backends I realized I couldn't use manual screens anymore. So I created sysc. It is a way for me to control everything, see outputs, and debug. I can't give many details about it for security reasons but I just want to say that it is VERY secure.

Stereoscopic image viewer
My dad is a hobbyist photographer and he takes stereographic pictures. He needed a way to share them and make them easily viewable by his friends and clients in their phone. So I made him a webapps that scrolls through them and a tool to create new collections.

Right around February of 2023 my school invited us to partake on a state
competition for technology
projects made by highschoolers exclusively and we decided to give it a shot. I already had an idea
in mind and pulled together a team composed of me and three other friends. We had two months from
knowing about the project to having to present and in that time we almost didn't sleep. I did all
the software and, along with my friend Figue, the electronics. I practiced teamwork, and I learned a
lot about rc plane, like, a lot.
In the end we ended up winning second place out of more than
2,600 teams and over 13,000 highschool students.
Link: gabocota.net/leafeye/info
Live presentation: youtube.com - live
Our submission video: youtube.com - video

There's many more small projects I've done while learning that don't make the list.